Wednesday 26 February 2014

A little help from the fanbase...

Perhaps because she knew that I am a creative dry well right now (I'm using it all up in the final stretch to finish my album), my sister sent me a photo and asked me to caption it. I will welcome feedback and additional caption suggestions in the comments section, but here's what I have so far:

"Even teddy bears get the blues" (that one was my sister's)

My entries: 

"Apparently, Randall never got the hang of hibernation"

"In retrospect, I might have thought better of this when I saw the bees had a weight room in there"

"Well this is embarrassing. I assume that real bears don't get hung up on a seam this easily"

That's the best I have for now! But I will leave the caption contest open for any who want to try. I will award a prize, but the prize will be worthless, and I get to decide if your entry is funnier or more apropos than mine. 

I probably should have written a bittersweet haiku about childhood's fleeting innocence, but those are the WORST.

Until next time,


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